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Anca Ileana Cioc și-a schimbat fotografia de profil
2 ani


Because of the fact that the planet is moving deeper into the photon belt due to the precession of the equinoxes which is the evolutionary cosmic cycle (we entered a new cycle around Dec 2012) we are experiencing ever increasing upgrades in light frequencies, which are emanated from our central sun, Alcyone. This is what is causing the break down of old rigid systems, which is based on lower frequencies of light and a new consciousness is evolving within as without. These high frequencies of light are also causing the gradual (naturel) progression of the shifting of the poles externally as well as internally. So during such a radical shift we literally feel we loose the earth under our feet... both physically (nausea, vertigo symptoms are common) both because of the high photonic light, which our body gradually accomodates to, but also due to the actual shift of the poles and great tetonic plate activity.

Because of the incoming frequencies we are forced to shift in consciousness, in other words, it is required to let go of old ways, old belief systems and ways, as the old no longer match the new consciousness, that are introduced with the high frequenciers of light. So you might feel demoralized, confused and even feel at sense of loss of purpose, as this new paradigm is being anchored.

Our "world" as we "know it" is literally being turned upside down and collapses in front of our eyes. There seems nothing to hold onto. And exactly that is the purpose. To force us to become empty vessels for the new consciousness, new ways that are based on higher octaves of light, which is begged to be integrated and indeed is why we are here at this point of ascension of the planet.

It is therefore of outmost importance to not hold on to any preconceived beliefs or ideas about how things work. Because the new frequencies are indeed changing the laws of physics on this new octave of light. These changes are impacting our bodies greatly as our bodies are being upgraded to host and inhabit the new ascended earth, our bodies are in a process of turning crystaline as we are moving from a dense physical reality into a crystaline plasma energetical environment if you like. We are literally becoming more fluid.... Our cells are starting to spin on a much higher rate, which are causing various physical symptoms such as before mentioned nausea, vertigo as well as a wide range of symptoms and changes to our body. Other well know symptoms are heart palpitations, anxiety, depression, disorientation, memory loss, fatigue, loss of sleep, ear ringing, loss of appetite (or changes in diet), head aches, aches in skeleton etc.

This has caused a collapse in timelines. This means you are moving into 0-point, into the quantum field of omnipresence, where there are a whole new set of coordinates in the earth´s orbit. This indeed causes a sense of experiencing parallel realities at once as the old paradigm of duality (time/space continium) horizontally from A to BE is now being replaces by a vertical spiral progression to higher octaves of light accelerating with rapid speed and forcing the actualization of this new consciousness. This again causes new states of oneness with all that is, states of bliss and peace are setting in if and when we surrender to the present moment quantum field, where these frequencies are being anchored. When we resist and hold onto lower consciousness programs, which was prominent in the old era (last cycle) we are causing turbulence and friction, which will cause frustration and stagnation. Amidst this great change it is therefore of outmost importance, that we are diligent in surrendering to the introduced energies and become fluent and open to new ideas, new ways of doing things, new ways of interacting, new ways of approaching life. We cannot continue the old ways, as this will be like burning the candle in both ends. The well known feeling of being in a pressure cooker is caused by resistance and attachment to lower frequencies of light.

Nature is our saviour in these radical times, as it aligns us with our center and harmonizes and grounds our new crystaline bodies to the this new plasma environment. It is paramount to spend time in and with nature, connecting deep into the magnetic coure to anchor to the new coordinates in the 0-point and surrender to the ongoing gradual polar shift, as we move deeper into the galactic night. I was shown and told years ago by Mother Earth, that it is imperative to attune to the magnetic poles on a regular basis... and in these accelerated times on a daily basis or when guided. It keeps us balanced, centered and aligned to the magnetic core but also to the great central sun, which is extremely important to stay aligned to source and anchor in these new frequencies of light.

Lately I have had problems with physcial balance.... having the sense of "capsizing" and stumble as these changes are indeed impacting gravitation. Thus ask your higher self on a regular basis to readjust you to the earth´s north and south poles, as this will indeed harmonize you on multiple levels of being even emotionally. It will also make you less proned to being subject to lower frequencies being spiked thru the lower matrix of the old system. So aligning and attuning to the poles will keep you anchored in 0-point and untouched by the fear mongering programs of the old agenda, mind controle imprints, that are being emitted 24/7.

Know you have not gone crazy or lost your way. You are entering an unknown land and energetical environment with a new set of rules and the best and most effective way to adapt is to be diligent in being PRESENT in the now and solidly centered in your heart space. Surround yourself with high frequency people, be discerning in what you digest energetically, mentally and emotionally as this will indeed impact your state of being and help eradicate or minimize many of the mentioned ascension symptoms. But there will be days where we are simply exhausted because of the increasing solar storm activity and the Schuhmann resonance is spiking to unprecedented levels. We are morphing from physcial beings into solar beings or plasma beings in morph speed at this point and the transmutation and alchemization of our cells into silicon based compound is taking a lot of energy, so we need to grant our body the best possible support thru rest when needed and to high frequency life force food.... hence you might feel a need to change your diet at various stages as this cellular transmutation demands different protein chains and minerals to ensure this shift. You might even feel in need of eating stuff that you have left our of your diet years back. I for example was a vegetarian for 11 years and suddenly felt a need to eat fish or even light meat from time to time, which surprised me since I never had a craving for it thru my time as a vegetarian and vegan. I even had a period of being fully raw back in 2016. So do not hold onto an idea or a "program" of have to or ought to. Honor what feels right in any given moment, when it comes to your diet and in generel.

We are being forced to think and act differently and become empty of preconceived ideas of right and wrong. Trust your body intellegence, trust your heart and gut to what feels right any given moment. Do not hold onto certain protocols or methology also when it comes to your spiritual work. As we connect to these higher frequencies of light we are also being introduced to higher galactic or angelic aspects of self, that are serving in higher dimensional realities, which actually brings in higher wisdom and aligns us to "new" galactic tools and talents. These are showing up and presenting themselves as we surrender and let go of the old ways and open our being to the multitude of consciousness increasingly being accesible as we upgrade and become compatible to higher octaves of light.

Allow yourself to BE in the hands of god and the unknown as this opens you up and support the integration of this new consiousness. I have been blessed to be in this playground for years but nevertheless have found that again and again I have to let go as this rapid shift is demanding me to think and act differently ongoing .... but when surrendering in this unknown space I feel the magic of life living itself thru me, rather than me having to figure things out. I surrender to the inner knowing of my heart aligned and attuned to the intellegence of source. Not needing to know, is the greatest achievement and very tool to avoid suffering. The mind chatter starts to cease and you enter a state of blissful being-ness, that allows you to be playful and spontaneous, rather than confined by the biass and preconceived idea of right and wrong duality mindset, that is causing attachment and as a consequence leads to suffering, frustration and a sense of loss of purpose and disorientation.

This state of being is likened the state of being of dolphin consciousness, a playfullness and lightness of orgasmic delight, that is a grand step into freedom and complete surrender to the NOW moment... the space where miracles happen. What we define as miracles are simply the naturel flow of life where there is 0 resistance. When we enter this space we will actually reverse the age process as all the energy we mobilized to resisting and being attached to certain outcomes, is freed for healing and nourising our body and being on all levels and indeed will promote this great shift in consciousness into becoming the Aquarians of the new golden age, that indeed we came to be.

You came here as pure consciousness having a physcial experience and dived deep into amnesia to have that experience and to shift the 3D experience of human existenace into becoming the galactic being fully consciousness of the multiple levels of existence free from all mind limitations of duality based thinking. You are the one you have been waiting for coming from the "future" to merge as One with source and all that is and anchoring into this "fallen" earth consciousness... the heroes and heroines that you have looked up to in the dark age of Kali Yuga. Now is your time to embrace and surrender to your source self and be the miracle that is life itself in the ever evolving dance of light and love. When we surrender to this state of freedom we are in an eternal love making with source and all that is, which is our true destiny and purpose.

Do not give up at this point... though things may seem chaotic and hopeless at times, know you have already arrived... the darkness is but a space, a vibration, that you choose to inhabit or not. You have made massive changes to have come this far and you are admired and loved beyond measure by god, the source of all Being. You are the return of the christ, be in that knowing-ness and live in gratitude for you are the ONE.

Grace Solaris


O zi linistita va doresc.

In continuare vreau sa vorbesc despre gradina mentala si starile fiintei. Capacitatea omului de a controla nivelul calitatii starilor sale este un mod simplu de a alege ce stare sa ai - chiar daca poate parea simplu este nevoie de un antrenament. Atunci cand ti-ai creat un obicei in a face pasul in spate si a observa imaginea de ansamblu a prezentului, a momentului trait - atunci poti schimba sensul care iti modeleaza starea.
De exemplu: Acum un an eram in Covasna la o foarte buna prietena, ii taiam gazonul din curte, avea doua cateluse care isi faceau nevoile prin iarba - in timp ce eu taiam cu o coasa electrica am avut oportunitatea sa nimeresc unul din acele excremente care se jucau de-a v-ati ascunselea prin iarba. In acel moment in care l-am nimerit si m-am stropit in totalitate, aproape instant am intrat intr-o stare de vibratie joasa, fiindca am inceput sa-mi comunic faptul ca miroase urat, ca acuma trebuie sa ma schimb, sa-mi pun hainele la spalat, sa ma spal si eu.. Din toate acestea eu mi-am coborat starea, eu am ales sa fac asta prin ceea ce am verbalizat/gandit.

Dupa nici 5 minute s-a intamplat sa mai nimeresc inca unul - doar ca in acel moment am putut sa fac pasul in spate si sa aleg sa-mi spun ce norocos sunt. Dupa ce mi-am spus asta un zambet a aparut pe chipul meu si a disparut orice miros, m-am simtit incarcat de cuvintele folosite.

Comunicarea are un impact foarte mare asupra realitatii noastre, la nivel celular corpul este 90% apa si conform cercetarilor lui Masaru Emoto, s-a dovedit prin multiple experimente ca a noastra constiinta influenteaza memoria apei. Tot ceea ce gandim si vorbim are impact asupra corpului, asupra tuturor celulelor care ne compun.

Cand cautam mai adanc, putem sa descoperim ca din aramaica Avracadavra si ebraica Abracadabra, acestea au sensul de eu creez in timp ce vorbesc - cuvintele isi creeaza propria lor realitate si iti modeleaza perceptia prin care privesti realitatea in prezent. Ele raman fixe pana in momentul in care ele sunt reformulate, cel mai simplu exemplu: "ti-ai tot spus ca nu poti face ceva, atunci cand alegi sa-ti spui ca poti face ceva - esti deja mai aproape de rezultat fiindca ai deschis usa catre a reusi acel ceva."

Sa nu uitam ca de fiecare data cand cineva sau ceva ne supara, sau ne enerveaza cu ceva si ne schimba starea, aceea persoana care a reusit asta este stapana pe energia noastra, cand un individ se disciplineaza individual si nu mai poate sa fie influentat, atunci este stapan(a) pe propriile emotii.

O zi frumoasa in continuare va doresc!



Titel Sto și-a schimbat poza de profil
2 ani

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